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Notaio Bonanni - Il notaio

The notary public

Born in Rome August 4, 1986, obtained the Classical High School diploma from the Istituto Sant’Apollinare in 2005 with the grade 100/100.

Graduated in law from the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in 2010 with the grade 110 cum laude/110. Represented Bocconi University in Vienna at the seventeenth “Wilhelm Cornelis Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court”, a prestigious international commercial arbitration competition.

Took the State Notary examination announced on December 27, 2011 only once and passed it on the first attempt. Assigned by the State to practise as a Notary Public in Rome from 2015.

The Notary, Alessandro Bonanni, is bilingual in English and Italian and can provide clients with legal explanations, advice and counsel in English to enable them to fully perceive and comprehend the significance of official legal acts.